October 23, 2024

Causes of Acne – What You Should Know About Acne Before It Starts to Cause Trouble

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Acne is one problem most of us face at some point in time. Acne is actually an infection on the skin caused by a bacterium named Propionibacterium Acne. The main difference between pimples and acne is that acne is only a physical infection and pimples are merely one of its annoying symptoms. Acne is actually a disorder affecting the oil glands and hair follicles under your skin. It generally appears during the adolescence period when the hormones called androgens increase and the pores become easily blocked.

Another possible reason for the appearance of acne could be hormonal imbalance. Because hormones can control the sebaceous glands and can stimulate the oil production, the imbalance may lead to clogged pores. Hormonal imbalance can be caused by an imbalance in sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. If you think this is the reason for your pimples, you can try using birth control pills or anti-inflammatory medications, which can sometimes help balance out the hormones in the body.

Acne is not only limited to teenagers. Even adults are not spared from this common skin condition. In fact, acne can occur around any age, except that it commonly occurs around the puberty age. For adult acne, it is more common to occur around the hair line because hair contains oil and when it clogs up the pores, the bacteria causes infection.

There are basically two types of follicle ducts in the body: the sebaceous and the hair ducts. These ducts combine to produce sebum, which lubricates our skin. Sebaceous ducts start from the hair follicle and merge to the sebaceous gland where there is constant secretion of sebum, and the inner part of the duct has dead skin cells, resulting in clogging. When the sebaceous gland gets clogged, the hair follicle starts to become infected, and the blockage can cause inflammation of the skin. This inflammation can turn into acne.

There are a number of possible causes of acne. Some studies suggest that some diseases may lead to hormonal imbalance and thus may trigger the appearance of acne. Other studies have suggested that the use of some medicines like birth control pills and antibiotics may lead to acne. Lastly, the presence of internal parasites in the body, like tapeworms, may lead to hormonal imbalance and acne. It is best to visit your healthcare provider, who can perform blood tests and hormone tests, to confirm these causes of acne.

However, there are some things you can do to prevent acne from occurring. You should wash your face regularly to remove excess oil and dirt, avoid touching your face, not sharing personal items such as towels and grooming products, and always make sure you sleep with a clean pillowcase. You should also limit the use of makeup and other products containing harsh chemicals and make sure your hair is properly taken care of. If you keep all of this in mind and use good skin care techniques, you should be able to avoid acne. However, if you are already prone to acne, it is important to follow good hygiene techniques to reduce the incidence of pimples

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