Beauty As a Public Image
Beauty is commonly defined as a subjective quality of things that makes these things enjoyable to perceive. These things include sunsets, landscapes, beautiful humans and unique works of artistic art. Beauty, along with personal aesthetic sense, is the fundamental topic of aesthetics, among the most important branches of science. For aesthetic appreciation, it is important to determine the qualities of beauty in objects. This can be done by observing the beauty of nature, art, movies, and music. Here are some ideas on how we can identify the beauty in things around us.
If we want to know about beauty, then we have to firstly define what it actually is. Artic aesthetics consider beauty to be the harmony of proportion and pattern in an object, especially when that object is in motion. We can speak about beauty as the beauty of lines, forms and patterns in nature. We can also speak of beauty as the aesthetic value of simplicity, including its visual elements, when objects are created with minimal fuss or complexity. Aesthetic appreciation of simplicity therefore includes things like nature, human works of art and even objects in the fashion industry.
Aesthetics therefore go hand in hand when we talk about beauty. The appeal of an item in a given situation can be gauged by looking at its aesthetic qualities and its general appearance. By understanding that aesthetic quality and function are closely related, the fashion world has now been able to produce and market entire collections centered on beauty, particularly on the basis of form and function. Aesthetic goods and services include runway attire, jewelry, perfume, and other fashion-related products and services, and can further be categorized into five different segments: fashion, costume and makeup, hair and beauty, skin and bath and toiletry.
We can further subdivide fashion, which refers to the production and marketing of a product intended to be worn or used, into two segments: fashion design and fashion marketing/promotion. The former refers to designers producing and promoting new styles or trends, while the latter refers to the promotion of existing styles or trends. Some designers work in both arenas; others do their promotions only in one. Marketers therefore find it useful to divide the tasks between them, in order to create better business opportunities. This division is especially useful in terms of product development, as it helps marketers to identify the right target market for a particular product, as well as to promote accordingly.
The term “fashion”, in the broadest sense, actually means any object that gives visual appeal through the use of specialized materials, typically manufactured out of fabric, but more frequently, typically out of leather or similar high-end materials. In most cases, fashion can refer loosely to what clothes are generally considered to be sexy. Power brokers, the elite few who control the purse strings and who shape public opinion, are generally thought of as being fashion designers. These power brokers are generally associated with high-class and fashionable magazines and have been responsible for much of today’s ‘power dressing’ (think of Tom Cruise or Madonna). Power brokers are often thought of as the brains behind high-end fashion trends, and they wield great influence over the buyers and sellers of women’s and men’s clothing and accessories, such as their buying agents and stylists.
While it is true that Fashion is not solely a function of glamour, style, and beauty, there are many similarities between the two areas. Both are concerned with creating a desired public image and both require designers and manufacturers to take risks, to generate new ideas, and to work in difficult environments. However, whereas fashion relies on cutting-edge technological innovations, beauty relies on timeless styles that can be updated as time and again, while technology facilitates a level of customization that is rarely found in apparel. As the world of fashion evolves, so too does the definition of beauty.